Tuesday 1 April 2014

Studio Brief 2 - Communication is a virus

From my research I have found that to make something go viral it has to be something that will effect most people, whether it is to shock them, surprise them or make them laugh it needs to have a strong impact, strong enough for them to pass on the message. Ads or other content usually goes viral through social media in the form of a video, but it can also be a tweet, status, photo or many other forms of communication.

One of the main features I noticed of campaigns or ads that went viral was that a lot of them tended to have an interactive feature. This one in particular is very hands on and is entertaining at the same time allowing you to create your own character it makes the audience feel as though they are involved. They are able to be creative and create a character, this is an exciting process and appeals to all age ranges, maybe not the elderly but certainly adults and children, mostly men.

This clever viral ad video made for the release and promotion of paranormal activity was extremely successful and was the main reason why the film became so popular. The trailer of the movie was key to making this work though, it had to be dramatic and enticing to make the viewers want to 'demand it.' This goes to show how working a small budget can go a long way if your ad campaign is strong enough, the petition they created is also a great idea to push things forward and to show the high demand.  

This type of viral exposure is more of an example of how to keep the customers coming back but also to intrigue other possible customers. This airline that gave gifts to its passengers put a lot of time and effort into looking on their twitters to find out their likes and dislikes. This made the present they were given really personal instead of just a generic free complimentary gift. I think that this leaves much more a lasting impression on the customers and is something that would attract others fairly quickly. It stayed in my mind because I thought it was almost slightly creepy that they looked into social media but I guess it would be appealing for those in recipient of the gifts. 

Not long ago I experienced the effects of this ad, it really shocked me and stayed in my mind up until this point. The fact that it is so disturbing makes it resonate in the back of your mind and you start to really understand the message they are trying to communicate. Because the message is quite dark and scary and makes you reinforce the security on social network sites the title and front of the campaign is quite light hearted and the sinister feel isn't noticed until the video gets going. This almost lures in the audience with a false sense of security almost like the message that they are trying to bring across.     

This is one of my favourite viral ad campaigns, I find that I am more drawn to the funnier side of viral campaigns, they stick with me longer and I am more likely to pass them on or share them on social networks. This cartoon song and video is colourful and amusing to watch with humour and a catchy song, its a repetitive song and one that seems to stick in your head. It gets across the message in a humorous way and I find that this is just as effective as the serious campaigns that are dark and disturbing.

In light of our first idea of an exercise day for young children I looked into flash mobs and found that this can be really fun and look amazing if planned out correctly. This one was done in an airport and was advertising an airline, however the only reason I knew this was advertising an airport is because it is written on the video, I think it could have been made more obvious somehow, maybe by creating their own song. 

Fashion is another way to make something spread so that it becomes viral, a few years ago it became the height of fashion when I was younger to wear these wristbands. To promote charities and campaigns was the main idea and so it spread nationally meaning so did word of the charity.

This is a brilliant viral video to promote a horror film in a way that includes humour and lightheartedness. The baby is extremely disturbing and could be key to a brilliant horrifying trailer or promotion, but instead they decided to make it central to a prank. It is the peoples reactions that I find the funniest, knowing what is going to happen and the suspense of watching how people react is what kept me intrigued. The only reason I knew it was for Devils Due was because of the last few seconds where it explained, however it didn't go into depth about the movie and this made me enquire about it further. 

This was personally one of my favourite viral videos, it was low in budget and required little interaction from the public just their reaction on camera. I think it was so successful because it was so well executed, it was good to see how they did it first so the audience almost felt like they were in on it, knowing what was coming. 

Again this Chucky viral promotional video shows how a low budget video can draw in thousands of people with just a short couple of minutes of film. This has a profound effect on the people who witness it, the smashing of the glass adds extra depth and convincing drama to scare them. Flashing the backlight first made the people stop to look at the photo so they were facing the right way just in time for the man to make his way through the poster. 

This one was a great idea but I think it could have been executed slightly better. To advertise The Walking Dead people were painted as zombies and were waiting in the underground grates, they then stuck their bloody mangled hands out near peoples feet in order to make them jump. I think this needed to be more dramatic however, it needed to make the public jump even more, the ratings on this are much lower than any other that I have looked at so far. I think it would have been more successful had they made the zombies all come flooding out of the gateways.

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