Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Crit for Research Proposal

Crit Feedback

- Look at Festinger Theory: Consistency, we feel uncomfortable without consistency, can this be linked in with logo design too?

- In 'memory test' research that I have proposed, show a group of people a high amount of logos in a very short space and see which ones they remember. Do greyscale and colour versions to see how much of an effect this has? Is colour the reason for contrast and therefore comes under figure/ground?

- Gradually add each principle to a logo. Start by making it symmetrical then add an element of closure etc

- This could also influence layout if I considered among a publication, logos could be set out on the page symmetrically, have a line of symmetry down the centre of the page?

- Brand Gestalt? What else would I brand and why? 

- Guide to how to design a logo? For student? As a publication? 

- Consider rebranding small companies/kickstarter/99designs.

I was really happy with the feedback I got in this small crit, I don't think the crit on the whole was very successful but I managed to get some useful comments that helped me to create some more ideas. The memory test I will alter slightly and increase the amount shown to the audience, I need to research how many tests I need to do to make it valid. The idea of a publication is something that interests me, I want to create a small book that shows the different principles in an obvious way. My next step is to actually carry out my testing and research, hopefully this will make me come to a conclusion of what I want to brand.

OUGD501 Research Proposal

What is your research question?
How important is it to use the Gestalt Principles when designing a logo? Do some work better than others? 

Do you have a hypothesis?
I predict that after in-depth research into logo design and a comparison of several I will come to the understanding that those that visually display the principles of Gestalt will be more successful in terms of being memorable and liked by the audience. I will look into combinations of the principles and see which work best together. I will consider how some combinations of principles are more successful than others and look at whether less is more in terms of simplicity and memorability. 

What are the contexts of your research interests?

Sources of primary/secondary research?
Secondary research will be looking into logos that have evolved, have been successful or have been particularly unsuccessful. Comparisons of these will be part of my experimentation and exploration work. Primary research will be conducting a questionnaire regarding a range of logos. I would also like to hold some sort of memory test, I will use logos to compile a memory timed test for a range of people to complete. I will look at all the combinations possible and create a list.

How will your practical work relate to your written work?
My practical work will be an extension of my theory written essay. I will look into the same logos but also find others that back up this research and argument. I will also consider looking into typography within Gestalt as this is something I briefly talk about within my essay.

What methods will you use to research, develop, create and test your work?
Research: Secondary research into books and internet sources will help me gain a body of logos to work with. Primary research into the opinions of others, regrading the memory test I could display several logos for a short amount of time and see which they remembered immediately. This would ultimately be the most memorable logo and I can then analyse it and break it down to understand why.
Develop: Methods to develop my work will include group crits, these will allow me to explain my idea to peers and get feedback on it. 
Create: Methods will include visual cards with logos on that will be shown for the memory test. 
Test: Test the groups of people at random, with minimal time that the logos are shown. Record data and analyse specific details of the key logos.

Provide a proposed timeline for your work to completion.
Research completed by the 1st of March
Memory Tests completed for the 6th March
Analysis of tests by the 13th March