My essay was based around advertising and the effect which it had on the public. A large part of my research focused on sex within advertising and how women were exploited particularly in the 60's through sexist advertising, such as posters. I looked at the effect they had on the audience before the feminism movement and my aim in this publication was to see how it would look to advertise modern day items in a similar style and how people would react to it. I chose modern products from the Apple range as I felt these would juxtapose the old fashioned products we have seen on these posters from years ago. I wanted to use 60's looking figures to relate to the style more accurately, I began by printing out some images to draw from before scanning them in and converting them to vectors so I could work with them easier.
I wanted to add almost an ironic and sarcastic tone to my posters, I wanted the captions to show wit and almost make fun of old style sexist posters. The colours I chose represented those of what I had seen through my research stage, I wanted to use bright colours but give them a faded textured look. I used textured effects in illustrator to see how I could get this across.
My aim was to make my essay into a book and so I designed this, however due to lack of bookbinding access on the day that I had planned it I was unable to create this to accompany my posters.
The first problem with this outlook is the notion that the only people fighting against the oppression of women are female. As Cif posters have pointed out, you only need to look at the American election race to see the flaw in this viewpoint. Barack Obama has championed reproductive choice, made women's rights a priority and overturned the global gag rule. Then there was Sarah Palin, who was in charge of a municipality that made rape victims pay for their own forensic examinations.
Many people saw the backlash against Palin in terms of her sex. For example, the Guardian's Kira Cochrane said it was misogynist. Apparently, it's fine to say all men are rubbish, but if we criticise a woman, that's automatically deemed to be sexist, as if being female is some kind of "get out of jail free" card that excuses us from playing by the very rules we want men to keep.
Tina Crockett, one of the RFs quoted in Bindel's piece, said they were trying to challenge the "excuses" heterosexual women used for their relationship with men. She said the women who pointed out that some men were "okay" were "refusing to look at the fact that some men really do hate women". Yes, some men do hate women. But let's not use that as a reason to hate all men. The women who fight sexism while also sharing their beds with men are not the ones being hypocritical. I share my bed with a man. That doesn't mean I'm deluded, or that I'm somehow complicit in the maltreatment of women. If feminists seek to reinforce the stereotype that all men are oppressors and all women are oppressed, they're reinforcing the very definitions that created the need for feminism in the first place.
I'd like to think that 21st century feminism would advocate doing away with these narrow parameters and see people as people. When Stephanie Theobaldwrote about tomboys, their mothers made comments such as: "In some ways, my daughter is very feminine – if there's a baby in the room she will pick it up and hold it so tenderly". If we want to achieve true equality, feminists need to stop categorising human traits as masculine or feminine. Feminists should be the last people doing this. We should be seeking to shatter all stereotypes, not cherry-picking the ones that suit us. Do that and you're not abolishing the patriarchy, you're becoming the very thing you are fighting against.
Vision and Motivation

The 38 percent of American women who worked in 1960 were largely limited to jobs as teacher, nurse, or secretary.[5] Women were generally unwelcome in professional programs; as one medical school dean declared, "Hell yes, we have a quota...We do keep women out, when we can. We don't want them here — and they don't want them elsewhere, either, whether or not they'll admit it."[6] As a result, in 1960, women accounted for six percent of American doctors, three percent of lawyers, and less than one percent of engineers.[7] Working women were routinely paid lower salaries than men and denied opportunities to advance, as employers assumed they would soon become pregnant and quit their jobs, and that, unlike men, they did not have families to support.
In 1962, Betty Friedan's book The Feminine Mystique captured the frustration and even the despair of a generation of college-educated housewives who felt trapped and unfulfilled. As one said, "I'm desperate. I begin to feel I have no personality. I'm a server of food and a putter-on of pants and a bedmaker, somebody who can be called on when you want something. But who am I?"[8] Friedan stunned the nation by contradicting the accepted wisdom that housewives were content to serve their families and by calling on women to seek fulfillment in work outside the home. While Friedan's writing largely spoke to an audience of educated, upper-middle-class white women, her work had such an impact that it is credited with sparking the "second wave" of the American feminist movement. Decades earlier, the "first wave" had pushed for women's suffrage, culminating with the passage of the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote in 1920. Now a new generation would take up the call for equality beyond the law and into women's lives.
Goals and Objectives

However, it quickly became clear that the newly established Equal Employment Opportunity Commission would not enforce the law's protection of women workers, and so a group of feminists including Betty Friedan decided to found an organization that would fight gender discrimination through the courts and legislatures. In the summer of 1966, they launched the National Organization for Women (NOW), which went on to lobby Congress for pro-equality laws and assist women seeking legal aid as they battled workplace discrimination in the courts.[10]
As such, Betty Friedan's generation sought not to dismantle the prevailing system but to open it up for women's participation on a public, political level. However, the more radical "women's liberation" movement was determined to completely overthrow the patriarchy that they believed was oppressing every facet of women's lives, including their private lives.[11] They popularized the idea that "the personal is political" — that women's political inequality had equally important personal ramifications, encompassing their relationships, sexuality, birth control and abortion, clothing and body image, and roles in marriage, housework and childcare.[12] As such, the different wings of the feminist movement sought women's equality on both a political and personal level.

When these divides were combined with a reluctance to choose official leaders for the movement, it gave the media an opening to anoint its own "feminist leaders," leading to resentment within the movement. Meanwhile, in this leadership vacuum, the most assertive women promoted themselves as leaders, prompting attacks from other women who believed that all members of the movement should be equal in status.[16]
Nonetheless, women like Gloria Steinem and Germaine Greer attracted media attention through both their popular writings and their appealing image. They played a key role representing feminism to the public and the media — providing attractive examples of women who were feminists without fitting the negative stereotypes of humorless, ugly, man-hating shrews.[17]
Civic Environment

But many of these women were relegated to low-paying clerical and administrative work. What opened the door for women to pursue professional careers was access to the Pill — reliable oral contraception. Knowing that they could now complete years of training or study and launch their career without being interrupted by pregnancy, a wave of young women began applying to medical, law, and business schools in the early 1970s. At the same time, the Pill made the "sexual revolution" possible, helping to break down the double standard that allowed premarital sex for men but prohibited it for women.
Feminist leaders were also inspired by the Civil Rights movement, through which many of them had gained civic organizing experience. At the same time, black women played a key role in the Civil Rights movement, especially through local organizations, but were shut out of leadership roles.[20]Meanwhile, the women's anti-war movement was joined by a new generation of more radical young women protesting not only the Vietnam war but also "the way in which the traditional women's peace movement condoned and even enforced the gender hierarchy in which men made war and women wept."[21] On college campuses, women joined in the leftist student movement, but their efforts to incorporate women's rights into the New Left were ignored or met with condescension from the male student leaders; at one New Politics conference, the chairman told a feminist activist, "Cool down, little girl. We have more important things to do here than talk about women's problems."[22] As a result, women split off from the movements that marginalized them in order to form their own movement.
At the same time, the FBI viewed the women's movement as "part of the enemy, a challenge to American values," as well as potentially violent and linked to other "extremist" movements.[23] It paid hundreds of female informants across the country to infiltrate the women's movement.[24] While this infiltration intensified paranoia and eroded trust among activists, it did not change the course of the movement as it continued to fight for equal rights.[25]
Message and Audience

Early in the women's liberation movement, which was deeply rooted in the New Left, activists took an aggressive approach to their protests. Protests against sexism in the media ranged from putting stickers saying "Sexist" on offensive advertisements to holding sit-ins at local media outlets, all the way to sabotage of newspaper offices.[26] This approach sometimes crossed the line into offensiveness, as at the 1968 demonstration outside the Miss America pageant in Atlantic City, where activists protested objectification of women by waving derogatory signs like "Up Against the Wall, Miss America." While the event attracted widespread media coverage (and launched the myth that feminists burned bras), the approach was alienating. As a result, many activists resolved to "stop using the 'in-talk' of the New Left/Hippie movement" and strive to reach ordinary women across the country.[27]
"Consciousness-raising groups" became an effective way to do so; in small groups in local communities, women explored topics such as family life, education, sex, and work from their personal perspectives. As they shared their stories, they began to understand themselves in relation to the patriarchal society they lived in, and they discovered their commonalities and built solidarity; as one said, "[I began to] see myself as part of a larger population of women. My circumstances are not unique, but...can be traced to the social structure."[28]
Meanwhile, in their campaigns for the legalization of abortion, activists testified before state legislatures and held public "speak-outs" where women admitted to illegal abortions and explained their reasons for abortion; these events "brought abortion out of the closet where it had been hidden in secrecy and shame. It informed the public that most women were having abortions anyway. People spoke from their hearts. It was heart-rending."[29] The "speak-out" was also used to publicize the largely unacknowledged phenomenon of rape, as activists also set up rape crisis centers and advocacy groups, and lobbied police departments and hospitals to treat rape victims with more sensitivity. [30] To publicize date rape, the annual "Take Back the Night" march on college campuses was launched in 1982.[31]
Activists also defined and campaigned against sexual harassment, which was legally defined as a violation of women's rights in 1980; they also redefined spousal abuse as not a tradition but a crime, lobbied for legal change, and set up domestic violence shelters.[32] The women's health movement set up a new goal of creating a women-centered health system, rather than the existing system that was often insensitive to women's needs; activists educated themselves on the female body, began giving classes in homes, daycares, and churches, set up women's clinics, and published the reference bookOur Bodies, Ourselves.[33]
Meanwhile, the women's movement was producing a huge number of journals in local communities across the country. While these journals were produced largely for members of the movement, Gloria Steinem's Ms. Magazine, founded in 1971, expanded the audience to the general public at a national level. It publicized the problems ordinary women faced, published inspirational stories of successful women, and covered grassroots activist efforts across the country.[34]
At the same time, the movement used class action lawsuits, formal complaints, protests, and hearings to create legal change.[35] By the late 1970s, they had made tangible, far reaching gains, including the outlawing of gender discrimination in education, college sports, and obtaining financial credit[36]; the banning of employment discrimination against pregnant women[37]; the legalization of abortion[38]and birth control[39]; and the establishment of "irreconcilable differences" as grounds for divorce and equalization of property division during divorce.[40] Members of the women's movement were invigorated by these successes; as one said, "I knew I was a part of making history...It gave you a real high, because you knew real things could come out of it."[41]

Moreover, the women's movement failed to communicate the benefits of the ERA; by the time it passed Congress, many of the inequalities in the country's laws had already been addressed, and it was hard for the public to see what positive impact the amendment could have.[43] The ERA's opponents, on the other hand, painted a vivid picture of the terrible effects the ERA could have on the country. They attacked it as a plot to dismantle the foundations of American society, especially the family, and denounced the ERA's "hidden agenda": "taxpayer funding of abortions and the entire gay rights agenda."[44] The ERA's leading opponent, Phyllis Schlafly, denied that women were discriminated against at all; rather, she said, they enjoyed a sanctified position in American society through the "Christian tradition of chivalry," which the ERA would destroy.[45] While the ERA failed, and the backlash against feminism has continued, the struggle for women's rights has also continued, leaving a lasting impact on American society.
Outreach Activities
Due to the cross-cutting nature of the women's movement, which included women who were already members of other movements, it was naturally suited to build links with these movements. For instance, some members of the feminist movement traveled abroad to meet Vietnamese women who were against the war in that country, in an effort to build sisterly anti-war solidarity.[46] Meanwhile, feminists with roots in the labor movement launched local groups to organize women workers, improve their working conditions, and fight for their equal rights on the job.[47] Black feminists targeted such issues as child care, police repression, welfare, and healthcare, and founded the National Black Feminist Organization in 1973.[48]
By the end of the 1970s, activists burned out, and the women's movement fragmented — but the services they founded, such as rape crisis centers, women's shelters, and health clinics, were integrated into the mainstream as cities, universities, and religious organizations provided program funding.[49] Today the gains of the feminist movement — women's equal access to education, their increased participation in politics and the workplace, their access to abortion and birth control, the existence of resources to aid domestic violence and rape victims, and the legal protection of women's rights — are often taken for granted. While feminists continue to strive for increased equality, as Betty Friedan wrote, "What used to be the feminist agenda is now an everyday reality. The way women look at themselves, the way other people look at women, is completely different...than it was thirty years ago...Our daughters grow up with the same possibilities as our sons."[50]