Thursday 1 May 2014

Studio Brief 4 - Speaking From Experience

Danish Studio Designbaloget

I really like the layout of this booklet, its split into simple columns with little text and image and a lot of negative space. The information however is in quite a large chunk which I find is quite off putting and makes me not want to read it. The vectors are very simple and I like the symmetry within them it makes it feel balanced and comfortable. The pink makes it feel really quite feminine, and from a feminine point of view I really like it however I don't think it is versatile for a unisex publication and they could be restricting their sales.

Will Edmonds

It was the use of a handwritten typeface that caught my eye in particular here, I like how it still is readable at such a large point size, it gives a personal feel which contrasts well with the sophisticated formal right hand side. I'm not a fan of the colours but I do like the negative space around the orange box, I think the navy blue encloses it too much. 

Experimental Jetset

The chunky block text here is so dominant that it grabs the readers attention immediately, the high contrast between black and white is high and so creates a dramatic effect, I like the use of lines that are similar stroke to the line weight, it looks minimalistic but holds character too. The information is in very small pieces and easily readable, it draws the reader into wanting to read this as it isn't overwhelming. 

Morgan Fisher

These block panels by Morgan Fisher show really good use of colour palettes, I really like how the colours are all neutral and compliment each other so well. They come across as warm, friendly and inviting colours.

I spotted these books on a blog as I was looking through the other week, I feel that it is the form of them that is as inviting of the context, it is more satisfactory to hold a well crafted hardback book than a flimsy paper leaflet. I like that they are evenly designed. I really like the typeface, to me it seems to show connotations of children due to the innocence and the use of lower case only, as though spelling and grammar wasn't thought about. 

The packaging of this book completes the modern and clean approach to the publication, the black and red theme shows sophistication and the typeface used enhances this also. I like how simple the cover is with many of the designs on the spine, this images are small but yet detailed, I think they look quite quirky and it's a change to having text on the spine. 

I love the colours used in this publication, I think the blues and greens work really well together, the images are quite petite and fun to look at, I feel that the front cover makes the audience want to read the rest of the book. Putting all the images in a circular shape focuses the audience to the centre of the page and allows the text at the top to sit in the negative space. 

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