Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Practical Synthesis

Practical Synthesis:

As the audience for my dissertation was professionals from all areas of design, but predominantly graphic designers of all ages, this is also be the target audience for my practical outcome.
Using my research investigation that informed and supported my dissertation I have created a file that presents the findings of my analysis in a clear and concise manor so that the audience can fully see the results from beginning to end rather than just an overview.
In conjunction with this I have created two more pieces, the first being a large A1 scale set of four designs. These four A1’s show four different grid layouts that were either researched thoroughly or spoke about within my dissertation, each of the four grids; modular, column, hierarchical and the de Stijl are shown in conjunction with a different and most appropriate Gestalt principle. The text used is my dissertation because this is the most relevant and appropriate body copy for such a large-scale piece. The reason I have made them so big is because I want them to have an impact, I want the audience to be able to stand back and clearly see the markings and format of the grid and how the principle works within this. The four principles I used were proximity, similarity, simplicity and symmetry as these were the most appropriate for such layouts and grids.

Through primary research questionnaires it became apparent that a low percentage of designers were unaware of the Gestalt principles yet agreed that they were a reliant and useful source for designers. As a direct reflection of this I have created a small handbook explaining each principle, how they work within all areas of design to give an overview and present in a methodical and resourceful way.  It contains only the minimal and basic information, as I wanted this to be a quick and informative guide to cover all areas.

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