Friday 12 December 2014

Lecture 4 - Identity


- Phrenology
- Physiognomy

- Positivist Criminology – suggests that criminal tendencies are inherited
- Physiognomy legitimizing racism

Historical Phases
-       Pre modernity identity
-       Modern identity
-       Post modern Identity

Pre Modern: personal identity is stable – defined by long standing roles
Farm worker, soldier, factory worker,

Modern identity: society offers a wider range of roles, able to ‘choose’ identity – anxiety

Charles Baudelarie – The Painter of Modern Life – ‘flaneur’ (gentlemen stroller)
Thorstein Veblen – Theory of the Leisure Class
Georg Simmel – The Metropolis and Mental Life – Trickle down theory, emulation and distinction by fashion

Post Modern: Accept ‘fragmented’ self, identity is constructed.

‘Discourse Analysis’
identity is constructed out of the discourses culturally available to us.

Discourse – a set of recurring statements eg:
-       Age
-       Class
-       Gender
-       Nationality
-       Race/Ethnicity
-       Sexual orientation

Bolton, Mass Observation/Humphrey Spender, Worktown project 1937
Martin Parr
Martin Parr, Ascot, 2003

Bauman, Identity - READ

Martin Parr – Sedlescombe
Martin Parr – Think of Germany

Gillian Wearing, signs that say what you want them to say

Masquerade and the mask of femininity
Cindy Sherman, untitled film stills, 1977-80

Post modernity
Identity can be constructed through social experience
Erving Goffman The presentation of Self in Everyday Life LIBRARY
Zygmunt Bauman IDENTITY 2004

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