Monday 15 December 2014

Lecture 8 - Globalisation and Sustainability

- Socialist: 
Transforming a local or regional phenomena into a global one. People of the world are unified into a single society and function together.

- Capitalist: 
The elimination of stat informed restrictions on exchanges across borders.

- What is globalisation?

- 'The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.'

- *American sociologist George Ritzer 'McDonaldisation' - research

- Jihad vsMcWorld. The two axial principles of our age—tribalism and globalism —clash at every point except one: they may both be threatening to democracy. - *read pdf

Problems of Globalisation:

- Sovereightny: Challenges to the idea of the nation-state
- Accountability: transnational forces & organisations - who controls them?
- Identity: Who are we? Nation, group, community?

If the 'global village' is run with a certain set of values then it would not be so much an integrated community as an assimilated one.

Key Thinkers:
- Chomsky

'US media power can be thought of as a new form of imperialism'

What is imperialism?

'a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.'

- Local cultures destroyed in this process
- New forms of cultural dependence shaped

Chomsky & Herman (1998)
Propaganda Model - 5 basic filters:

- Ownership
- Funding
- Sourcing
- Flak
- Ideology

- Global Climate Collation (GCC)
- The GCC was started by Burson Marsteller - largest public relations company to rubbish the ideas of climate scientists and 'scare stories'

*Al Gore, An inconvenient Truth

How are companies making their products 'look' green?

Ecologism- No pyramid
- No chain
- The Drinkable Book*


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