Saturday 13 December 2014

Lecture 5 - Cities & Film

Georg Simmel (German Sociologist)
- The Metropolis and Mental Life” focuses on elucidating the “modern aspects of contemporary life with reference to their inner meaning."
Due to the intensification of external and internal sensual stimuli in the city as compared to a rural setting, the metropolis fosters a situation where one must buffer him or herself from a constantly changing environment. 

Dresden Exhibition
- The effect of the city on the individual. 
- (Herbert Bayer - Lonely Metropolitan) 1932

What is Urban Sociology?

Urban sociology is the sociological study of life and human interaction in metropolitan areas. It is a normative discipline of sociology seeking to study the structures, processes, changes and problems of an urban area and by doing so provide inputs for planning and policy making. 

Louis Sullivan:
- Creator of the modern skyscraper
- Guaranty Building

Modern Times 1936 - Charlie Chaplin

Stock market crash of 1929

Lead to great depression
Factories close and unemployment goes up

The Naked City - Barry Fitzgerald

LA Noire 2011, uses 32 surrounding cameras to capture actors facial expressions.

- Walter Benjamin
- Adopts the concept of the urban explorer as an analytical tool

- Labryinth
- Don't look now (1973) Nichols Roeg

- Postmodern City in photography Joel Meyerowitz Broadway and West 46th Street

What is flaneur?

- Surveillance City
- 9/11 prompted rise is security

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