Thursday 18 December 2014

Lecture 10 - What is research?

- Context is everything
- The process is more important than the outcome, when the outcome drives the process we will only ever go where we have already been. 

- Always document ideas
- Create a space where ideas could form

- Three approaches to research:

Stimulated Approach:
A conscious or subconscious search for inspiration from an external repertoire: in the surroundings, media, in discussion, libraries, etc.

Systematic Approach:
This is based on the systematic collection and modification of components, characteristics and means of expression.

Intuitive Approach:
This is the development of thought process, which is primarily based on internalised perceptions of knowledge, that is to say an internal repertoire.

Primary Research
Research that is developed and collected for a specific end use
A collection of data that does not yet exist.

Secondary Research
Published or recorded data that have already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.

Quantitive Research
Deals with facts, figures and measurements, it produces data that can be readily analysed.
Generates numerical data or data that can be converted to numbers
Measurable data

Qualitative Research
Explores and tries to understand people's beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behaviour and interactions. It generates non numerical data by the use of interviews, focus groups, documentary analysis and participant observation.

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