Sunday 8 November 2015

Dissertation Idea Finalisation

I have reconsidered my titles as I felt the initial ideas were far too restrictive and specific, I am aware I need to keep this to a degree of specificity but I don't want to limit myself so much that research will be near impossible to gather for my entire essay. Having said that I have now considered some different approaches and my final title will be:

'Are the Gestalt Principles of Visual Perception still applicable within contemporary methods of Graphic Design?'

My idea is to look at Gestalt at the very beginning as a psychological practice and follow it through until current day.

Some questions I need to ask when researching:

1. Who, what, why, where and when. Where did it all begin and who with etc.
2. How has it progressed to what it is today? Through what measures and investigations?
3. Who uses the principles today? Or are they outdated?
4. What purpose do they serve and are they necessary?
5. How has the development of New Media within this industry had an affect?

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