Monday 28 October 2013

CoP Introduction to Semiotics

What is Semiotics?

  • The science of studying signs.
  • Founded by Saussure
  • Culture operates like a language, it can be unraveled and interpreted.
  • A code is a system of symbols or signs.
  • A code is based on a shared knowledge.
  • feminine 
  • pink/red
  • love
  • occasion
  • flower

- Codes are found in all forms of all cultural practice.

Signifier = Sound Image
Signified = Mental concept

Signifier - woof
Signified - dog

Signifier - alarm
Signified - burglar

Connotations - A feeling that is associated or interpreted, triggered by a word object or feeling. 

i.e The word ROSE

Denotations - A basic understanding of an object or word.

Dog - A four legged creature.

The meanings of signs can change as it is based on a shared opinion of a group of people and does not derive from the object itself.

Ferdinand De Saussure

Saussure contended that language must be considered as a social phenomenon, a structured system that can be viewed synchronically (as it exists at any particular time) and diachronically (as it changes in the course of time). He thus formalized the basic approaches to language study and asserted that the principles and methodology of each approach are distinct and mutually exclusive.

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