Friday 11 October 2013

CoP LCA Prospectus Analysis

After seeing the previous years prospectus before taking a look at the 2014/15 one, it made the latter seem as though it had had been considered in a lot more detail and presented in a more conscious way regarding the audience it was delivering to.
Firstly, I think that the front cover has quite a neutral, relaxed feel to it, the colours compliment each other well although I do not understand the reasoning for these colours it makes it seem slightly more enticing. The foiling that has created the silver title on the front cover adds a professional feel about the institution, also demonstrating techniques and facilities available in the University, it catches the light and becomes the focus of the page. However the spaced out, airy feel of the front cover is contrasted by the compact text on the inside, I find it is too small and is quite off putting, it doesn't grab the attention of the reader and comes across as an academic document. I, personally would only flick through this book and scan the text as I feel my attention span to such a lot of information all in one chunk would be cut off fairly short. Throughout the prospectus there are three shorter pages, printed on different stock, the pages don't seem to fit in with the theme of the rest of the pages as the colour is loud and the material feels cheaper. I don't understand why they are shorter, at first I thought when it had been created it had been misplaced and should have been the right size but looking at the others I feel this was deliberate but with no reasoning. Even though I do not like the typeface used for the main articles throughout the prospectus I really like the typeface used for the titles on each page, I like how clear they are, they do feel quite formal but I think as this is an institution some formality should be kept. If I had designed this I think I would have kept them all the same colour though as I feel the colours get a bit confusing. Finally, something that really stood out to me was the images that were used, not necessarily the content of them but how they are arranged on the page, they seem to be floating with no purpose or explanation. I think if they were in a structured format with a small caption beneath them to explain it would seem more reasonable.

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