Sunday 10 May 2015

OUGD501 - Study Task 4

Whats important, do/dont need to include
Issues, semiotics, gender, psychology, mass media

'Compare the evolution of branding in relation to the emergence of the Gestalt Principles in the mid twentieth century; how did they have an Impact on Design?'


Layout - Use a grid, should it be simple or complex? Relate to most successful type of logo design. Include some of the principles that are relative such as symmetry within the grid? Should there be a Hierarchy? 

Which Gestalt principles can be applied to a grid:
- Symmetry (similarity)
- Continuation - There could be a pattern? 
- Proximity - The spacing of each section. 

Typography - Consider using a typeface that is successful in terms of the principles, this enhances the content and purpose of the publication and demonstrates this awareness of a range of relative design.


Comparison of existing logos? Look into logos used in essay plus some others to show specific principles, either just successful or a comparison between successful and unsuccessful. Just successful would look more visually satisfying than seeing failed logos. 

Design a logo for a company in several ways, each encompassing different principles.

Has this already been done? See what exists in terms of this idea. 


Who would this be appropriate for? Design for Designers, or design for audience? 
Consider visual perception, could this be incorporated into the way it is communicated:

Top down and bottom up processing, which one would I use? 
Hierarchies could play a role in communicating this visual perception theory. 

Audience: It needs to engage the audience, it needs to show something important and interesting. Should it present an argument or be neutral? Presenting an argument would make it more intriguing but allowing it to be neutral is unbiased and doesn't force my opinion on the audience. 


Consider current ongoing visual perception theories that are being developed if there are any. Has this been done to any extent already and how or why is this. Research other key theories that contract and back up Gestalt, this could possibly be presented some how in my practical work. Branding guidelines are a key piece of research that I will do, logo design guidelines and layout/format. Historical context of perception, look at the development and how this has been beneficial to designers. Are there any brands that need a re brand that are relevant to Gestalt in some way? Research into grids, this will be important for the layout of my design, it needs to relate to the principles as does the typography, look at this also.


Why do I need to do it and how? To present an argument and show examples of what a logo looks like when Gestalt Principles are applied. Or to neutrally present facts? It needs to be engaging, could it be literally engaging the audience? How could they be involved; give options or decision making path.

Exploration & Evaluation

How will I use practical skills and what experiments? Memory tests; successful logos are always memorable for the right reasons, this could be part of my experiment with existing logos that everyone knows. Why do we remember certain logos? Is it because of how they are designed and what they look like or because of what we know they represent? Memory research, do certain people remember different things to others? Why?


How do you test whether they are effective, do they work? Show people, memory test again? Any primary research? Valid. more efficient. 
Potentially design a range of logos for one company, some using different principles, present this to an audience and see what the results are in terms of everything from memorising the layout to the colour and message that they communicate.

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