Tuesday 12 May 2015

OUGD501 - Study Task 5

Dissertations chosen:

1. How has Postmodern Theory Informed Graphic Design Practices and Aesthetics
2. A Psychoanalytical Investigation of Consumer Behaviour with a Specific Focus on Branding with Regards to the Value of the Community.
3. How Absolute is the Power of Brands? How Does Freud's Theory of Psychoanalysis Apply to Current Advertising? Are We Able To Think For Ourselves.


  • Reading through this essay I found it really easy to see how the quotes fit into the sentences with fluidity and allowed me to understand what the point of each paragraph was backed up with numerous relevant quotes. Integrated quotes work well when trying to quickly and confidently get across a point, it makes the sentences concise and strong and allows for minimal unnecessary information. 
  • Breaking down the essay into appropriate paragraphs is important for allowing the structure to take part as a way of breaking down each important point into its own section. This also means that the reader doesn't get bored and it breaks it up into more interesting and logical format.
  • Using facts and statistics really helped in this essay to enforce the point she was trying to get at, this solidified her argument and backed it up with real life evidence.

  • Using more sophisticated language as is used in this essay makes it seem as though the student knew what they were talking about and were presenting it with confidence. 
  • One thing I did pick up on was the quality of the images used, I believe it is important to use high quality images or at least don't scale them up so they become blurry.
  • It is important to make sure that what you set out to investigate is what you really concentrate on, this essay linked the introduction to the conclusion really well and summed up what the entire essay had allowed him to establish and how his predictions had related to the end result. 

  • The images used in this essay showed a really wide variety, from diagrams to adverts and it was interesting to see how these all corresponded to the same essay question. Not only did they relate directly to the essay but they were also interesting to look at.
  • One key aspect I noticed was that this person had done an extensive amount of first hand research, he had used in-depth questionnaires to gather information, this gave him a lot more to incorporate into his essay calling upon first hand research to back up his argument points. 
  • How the questionnaire were phrased really made an impact on the answers that were given by the participants, the student had obviously spent time doing these questionnaires that provoked the best answer possible.

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