Tuesday 12 May 2015

Response to Lecture 7

What is Kantianism?
It is a non consequential philosophy of ethics, meaning that the act of doing something is more important that the outcome of the act, which should be done for only the right reasons. Something should be done because it is right to do so and no other reason, it is unethical to do something that is only to benefit yourself. 

If someone was in the position of considering suicide, you should save them if possible because it is the right thing to do, not because you being seen as the hero is what is in your mind as the outcome, the process is more important than the outcome. 

Argument against Kant:
Utilitarianism is the complete opposite of Kant's theory, the key reason is that it emphasises the outcome of an action. The outcome of an action is far more important than the process, you should act upon whatever motives you have to achieve the best and happiest outcome. 

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