Sunday 17 May 2015

End of Module Evaluation

            Level 4 Context of Practice was a module that I struggled with; I wasn’t comfortable with my essay question and this lead to a practical project in which I did not put in maximum effort. I made a conscious decision this year to make sure I was organised and happy with what I set out to do, coming up with a question is an aspect I usually don’t spend enough time on.
            At the beginning of this module I began by looking into each category from New Media to Branding and considering all of the routes that would interest me. My research skills have greatly improved from doing small asks like this, it has enabled me to really get a grasp of what each question would allow me to research and the path it would take me down.
            Narrowing this down over a period of time set aside for this stage I came to the conclusion that I wanted to research into the principles of Gestalt and how this was applied to contemporary design. I looked into a range of options and held several crits with peers to give me feedback into what possible ideas had the most potential. The six key Gestalt principles within logo design was the outcome I settled on in the end, this allowed me to be specific enough that my research wouldn’t be too wide, but condensed enough to form a good well rounded essay. The improvement within my organisational skills and thinking more rationally has allowed me to feel far more confident within CoP, I felt as though my essay question was not only interesting but also original.
            In terms of methods and approaches I have come to realise that a bottom up approach suits my style much better, this means that I start with a large range of ideas and possible starting points and through research and development these are carefully but quickly narrowed down. Research, development, testing, outcome and analysis are the five processes I encountered. Each one influenced by the previous meant that I worked methodically and the eventual outcome was supported by a body of research, a formal essay and several tests carried out and analysed by myself.
            Using a range of quotes and sources for my secondary research was important in gaining an in depth knowledge of Gestalt and logo design, I had to look into several areas to gain the information I needed as this wasn’t two topics that had been linked before. This made it exciting for me to start putting links together and connecting a piece of research with another, my strengths lay in making the bridge between articles and other results of experiments to show similar results, or opposing conclusions. Although my essay was more of an exploration I decided it would be important to still include some contrasting arguments, bringing in other theorists not only enhanced my essay but also showed how I can be unbiased and consider all angles of the question.
            Although my use of triangulation has improved there were a couple of areas where I didn’t back up a quote enough, my weakness could be in the area of making sure that each argument or statement was fully explored and explained. Another weakness of mine would be regarding the practical experiment, I need to consider from the beginning where problems could lay and expect to have to resolve some issues as I go along.

            Overall I have really enjoyed this module, I was skeptical of it to begin with after last year but I have really focused on CoP2 knowing that the theory of my practical is equally important. I am looking forward to CoP 3 now and I hope to build upon this essay to create a starting point.

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