Friday 8 May 2015

OUGD501 - Study Task 3


I began by considering the theme that I would like to base my essay on, I looked in newspapers, on the news, social media and other platforms to give me some inspiration as to what direction I would like to take. 

New media was the general theme I chose to begin with but concentrated on new media within identity, my ideas spanned from identity roles changing to the uncanny valley. This lead me to specify further and research into the uncanny valley and Gestalt. Both of these are fairly psychologically based, this is something that really interests me and I find quite intriguing, having a question that I actually find exciting is important for me. Gestalt psychology is what I really concentrated on from here onwards. I found the six key principles related to this theory and began to think how they could relate to design. 

Considering how Gestalt applies within new media was my first research idea, I looked more into the therapy side and considered how it affected role identities. More in-depth research lead me to top down processing and bottom up processing. After my crit I came to the decision that looking at the principles of Gestalt and applying them to logos.

Comparing the theories of Gestalt, Gibson and Gregory and applying them to logo design is not something that has been fully explored, as an experiment this could be really interesting to do all the research and tests myself. Gregory's theory backs up Gestalt whereas Gibson's contradicts it, these will play a part of my argument and considerations. The six principles can all be applied to design and narrowing it to logos gives me more of a constraint to work within.

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