Tuesday 12 May 2015

Response to Lecture 8

Greenwashing is almost a genre of advertising it is that widely used these days amongst the products we see on the shelves of our local supermarket. Companies have found yet another way to persuasively convince their target audience to buy their product whilst feeling confident that they are buying into something good and ethical. The overuse of photos of fields, the outdoors and all things nature related are used to make the consumer feel they are purchasing something that is natural, healthy and sustainable. The colour green is seen so much amongst products in the supermarket, from food to cleaning products, drinks to beauty products. This colour is related so heavily to sustainability, recycling and all other means of being kind to the earth, that companies have taken advantage and plastered it over all sorts of product packaging whether it fits into this category or not. Unless you're well informed about persuasive advertising or you're in the creative industry analysing it from the outside, then you're more than likely to fall into the traps of sneaky packaging techniques, it is easy for the consumer to fall for this and the companies take advantage creating more and more 'sustainable' and 'green' products.

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