Thursday 7 May 2015

Response to Lecture 2

A key aspect about feminism that I learnt from Vagenda is the fine line that runs between beauty and wealth. I read a really interesting article about how we often judge women by how beautiful they are by how wealthy they 'look'; manicures, branded clothing, high quality products all suggest they are rich and we perceive this as beautiful. So if our aim is to become beautiful we must first become wealthy, but does this apply to both genders? The online blog only focuses on women as it is from a feminist point of view, but what about men? If we see them with designer clothes, shoes, products does this have the same effect? I personally think it is much different, although seeing them with expensive items would suggest of wealth, I believe that body image is far more important to those making that decision of whether they are beautiful. To have the 'perfect' body, toned muscles, a six pack and a 'current' haircut would suggest of male beauty with a far stronger message than if they were wearing a branded piece of clothing. 

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